
管子语录 汉英双解


【汉解】凡国家的败亡,找原因往往在它的长处;人的自我失误,也往往因其所长。所以,善于游泳者死于梁地,善于射猎者常死在荒野之中。生命从属于粮食,言辞从属于实事。…  众胜寡,快胜慢,勇胜怯,智胜愚,善胜恶,有义胜无义,有天道胜无天道。凡此七个胜利条件贵在有其多数,而终身运用就将具备其多数了。

     【英译】The demise of states and the defeat of individuals stem from their strengths. Therefore, those who are skilled in swimming die in dammed up ponds. Those who are killed in shooting die in fields. Life depends on having food to eat. Good government depends on managing affairs. The many will be victorious over the few, the speedy over the slow, the brave over the cowardly, the wise over the stupid, the good over the bad, those who practice righteousness over those who do not, and those who follow the way of Heaven over those who do not. When all seven of these victories are appreciated and brought together a great many people will be able to live out their full lives.