10, 礼义廉耻 治国根本

管子语录 汉英双解:

【原文】 凡牧民者,欲民之修小礼、行小义、饰小廉、谨小耻、禁微邪、此厉民之道也。民之修小礼、行小义、饰小廉、谨小耻、禁微邪、治之本也。 《权修》

【汉解】 凡治理人民,要求人民谨小礼、行小义、修小廉、饬小耻、禁止小的坏事,这都是训练人民的办法。而人民能够作到谨小礼、行小义、修小廉、饬小耻并禁止小的坏事,又正是治国的根本。

【英译】Since those who shepherd the people desire them even in minor matters to be meticulous in observing propriety, practicing righteousness, cultivating integrity, and displaying a sense of shame, they must prohibit even the slightest beginning of evil. Such is the way to discipline the people. When the people, even in minor matters, are meticulous in observing propriety, practicing righteousness, cultivating integrity, and displaying a sense of shame, and even the slightest beginning of evil are prohibited, such is the basis of good order.