100, 滋味动静,生之养也


【汉解】 饮食作息,是心性的保养;好恶、喜怒、哀乐,是心性的变化;聪明处事,是心性的德能。因此,圣人总是调节饮食而安排作息,控制六气的变化,禁止声色的侵蚀,身上没有邪僻的行为,口中没有背理的言论,静静地安定着心性,这就是所谓圣人。

【英译】Satisfaction of tastes, movement, and repose, are the nourishment of life. Liking and disliking, pleasure and anger, sadness and joy are fluctuations in life. Sharpness of hearing, clarity of sight, and appropriate response to events are the capacities of life. For this reason the sages were temperate in satisfying their tastes and timely in their movement and repose. They controlled fluctuations in the six moods, and prohibited debauchery in music and sexual pleasure. To have depraved conduct banished from one’s body, harsh words absent from one’s mouth, and one’s life quietly determined—such is the sage.