
【原文】 寡交多亲,谓之知人。寡事成功,谓之知用。闻一言以贯万物,谓之知道。多言而不当,不如其寡也。博学而不自反,必有邪。孝弟者,仁之祖也。忠信者,交之庆也.《戒》

【汉解】 交游少而亲者多的,叫作知人。用力少而成效好的,叫作会办事。听一言就能够贯通万物的,叫作懂得道。多言而不得当,不如少言;博学而不会反省,一定产生邪恶。孝悌是仁的根本,忠信是交游的凭借。

【英译】Few are his close associates, but many rally around him. This is called knowing people. Few are his undertakings, but his accomplishments are complete. This is called knowing how to employ people. He need hear only a single word to relate all things together. This is called knowing the Way. Many words missing the point are not as good as his few. Wide learning without self-reflection is certain to produce depravity. Filial piety and respect for elders are the progenitors of goodness. Loyalty and trustworthiness are the basis for communication.