

【汉解】 人数的多少,士兵的精粗,武器的优劣,都应全部了解,这便是所谓“知形”。知形不如“知能”,知能不如“知意”。所以,用兵一定要具备三个条件。君主明、宰相智、将帅能,就叫作三个条件具备

【英译】They must know thoroughly the number of men, the bearing of their knights, and the quality of their weapons. This the is to know the outward condition of the troops. To know their outward condition is not as good as knowing their ability, and knowing their ability is not as good as knowing their thoughts. Therefore three factors are necessary to command troops, namely, the intelligence of the ruler, the knowledge of his chief ministers, and the capacity of his generals.