
管子语录 汉英双解:

  •    【原文】 错国于不倾之地者,授有德也;积于不涸之仓者,务五谷也;藏于不竭之府者,养桑麻育六畜也;下令于流水之原者,令顺民心也;使民于不争之官者,使各为其所长也;明必死之路者,严刑罚也;开必得之门者,信庆赏也;不为不可成者,量民力也;不求不可得者,不彊民以其所恶也;不处不可久者,不偷取一世也;不行不可复者,不欺其民也;《牧民》
  • 【汉解】所谓把国家建立在稳固的基础上,就是把政权交给有道德的人。所谓把粮食积存在取之不尽的粮仓里,就是要努力从事粮食生产。所谓把财富贮藏在用之不竭的府库里,就是要种植桑麻、饲养六畜。所谓把政令下达在流水源头上,就是要令顺民心。所谓把人民使用在无所争议的岗位上,就是要尽其所长。所谓向人民指出犯罪必死的道路,就是刑罚严厉。所谓向人民敞开立功必赏的大门,就是奖赏信实。所谓不强干办不到的事,就是要度量民力。所谓不追求得不到的利,就是不强迫人民去做他们厌恶的事情。所谓不可立足于难得持久的地位,就是不贪图一时侥幸。所谓不去做不可再行的事情,就是不欺骗人民。
  • 【英译】 To entrust the government to men of virtue is what is meant by placing the state on a firm foundation. To pay heed to the five grains is what is meant by accumulating grain in inexhaustible granaries. To cultivate the mulberry and hemp and raise the six domestic animals is what is meant by stocking supplies in storehouses that can never be depleted. To issue orders that accord with the will of the people, is what is meant by handing down orders like the wellspring of a flowing stream. To employ each person according to his skill is what is meant by placing people in offices where they are not at cross-purposes. Having severe punishments is what is meant by making clear the road to certain death. Having trustworthy rewards is what is meant by opening the gates to certain gain. To measure the strength of the people is what is meant by not initiating what cannot be completed. Not forcing the people to do what they hate is what is meant by not seeking what cannot be obtained. Not seizing momentary advantages is what is meant by not assuming positions that cannot be maintained for long. Not cheating the people is what is meant by not doing what cannot be undone.