
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】 日极则仄,月满则亏。极之徒仄,满之徒亏,巨之徒灭。孰能己无乎?效夫天地之纪。 《白心》

【汉解】 太阳到了最高之后,便走向偏斜;月亮到了最满之后,便走向亏缺。最高的要走向偏斜,最满的要走向亏缺,最巨大了就将走向死亡。谁能把自己忘掉呢?学一学天地的运行法则吧。

【英译】As the sun reaches its peak, it begins to set; as the moon becomes full, it begins to wane. Things reach their peak only to decline, become full only to shrink, and become great only to be destroyed. Who is that can make himself forget himself. To follow Heaven and Earth’s guiding principle.