
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】 持而满之,乃其殆也。名满于天下,不若其已也。名进而身退,天之道也。满盛之国,不可以仕任;满盛之家,不可以嫁子;骄倨傲暴之人,不可与交。《白心》

【汉解】 骄傲种持而自满起来,那是非常危险的表现。名满天下的。不如早些罢手。因为名进而身退,才合于天道。极盛的国度,个可给它当官;极盛的家族,不可同他结亲;骄倔傲暴之人,是不可同他交朋友的。

【英译】To grasp life and live it to the full will then be fraught with danger. Before one’s fame has spread throughout the realm, it is best to stop. To achieve fame and then withdraw is Heaven’s way. In a state that has reached its peak, one should never accept office. Into a family that has reached its peak, one should never marry one’s daughter. With men who are arrogant and domineering, one should never associate.