
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】人,水也。男女精气合,而水流形。三月如咀。咀者何?曰五味。五昧者何?曰五藏。酸主脾,咸主肺,辛主肾,苦主肝,甘主心。五藏已具,而后生肉。脾生隔,肺生骨,肾生脑,肝生革,心生肉。五内已具,而后发为九窍。脾发为鼻,肝发为目,肾发为耳,肺发为窍。 《水地》


【英译】Man is water. When the vital essence and vital force of male and female unite, water passes between them and assumes form. At the third month the resulting fetus begins to suck. What does it suck? The answer is the five tastes. What do these five tastes produce? The answer is the five viscera. The sour produces the spleen, the salty produce the lungs, the acrid produces the kidneys, the bitter produces the liver, and the sweet produces the heart. After the five viscera have been formed, they produce the five constituents of the body. The spleen produces the membranes, the lungs produce the bones, the kidneys produce the brain, the liver produces the skin, and the heart produces the flesh. After the five constitu- ents of the body have been formed, the nine apertures are developed. The spleen develops to form the nose, the liver develops to form the eyes, the kidneys develop to form the ears, the lungs develop to form the mouth.