
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】 动静者比于死,动作者比于丑,动信者比于距,动诎者比于避。夫静与作,时以为主人,时以为客,贵得度。知静之修,居而自利;知作之从,每动有功。 《势》

【汉解】 用兵在强调静止的时侯,应当象死尸一样不动;在强调运动的时侯,应当象鬼神一样出没;在强调扩展的时侯,应当象鸡距一样伸张有力;在强调收缩的时侯,应当象瘸腿者一样屈曲退避。静止或者运动,有时被放在主位,有时被放在客位,这贵在得其法则。懂得静止时所应遵循的法则,驻兵自然有利;懂得运动时所应服从的法则,一动兵就会成功。

【英译】When it needs to be still, the army should be like a corpse. When it needs to move, it should be like a ghost. When it needs to advance, it should be like a cock’s spur,and when it needs to withdraw, it should be like a crippled foot. Now stillness or movement may occur when you are the attacked or when you are the attacker. The important thing is to obtain a proper assessment of the situation. Whoever understands what he should do when being still can benefit himself by remaining in place. Whoever understands the rules he should follow when moving will be successful in every maneuver.