
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】 圣君任法而不任智,任数而不任说,任公而不任私,任大道而不任小物,然后身佚而天下治。 《任法》

【汉解】 圣明君主依靠法度而不依靠智谋,依靠政策而不依靠议论,依靠公而不依靠私,依靠大道而不依靠小事,结果是自身安闲而天下太平。

【英译】The sage prince relies on established laws, not on expertise; on statistical methods, not on empty talk; on impartiality, not on self- serving arguments; on the great principles of rulership, not on trivial actions. Afterward, he may take his ease, yet the empire will be well governed.