
管子语录 汉英双解:

  • 【原文】故知时者,可立以为长。无私者,可置以为政。审于时而察于用,而能备官者,可奉以为君也。缓者后于事。吝于财者失所亲,信小人者失士。《牧民》
  • 【汉解】所以,通晓天时的,可以任用为官长;没有私心的,可以安排作官吏;通晓天时,善于用财,而又能任用官吏的,就可以奉为君主了。处事迟钝的人,总是落后于形势;吝啬财物的人,总是无人亲近;偏信小人的人,总是失掉贤能的人材。
  • 【英译】Therefore he who understands the times may be appointed head of an office. He who shows no partiality may be placed in charge of administration. He who examines the times, finds out what is applicable to them, and so is able fill his offices with men of ability, may be elevated as a prince. He who procrastinates will be too late in his undertakings. He who is stingy with wealth will lose those close to him. He who trusts petty men will lose gentlemen of worth.