
管子语录 汉英双解:

  • 【原文】怠倦者不及,无广者疑神。神者在内,不及者在门。在内者将假,在门者将待。曙戒勿怠,後稚逢殃。朝忘其事,夕失其功。邪气入内,正色乃衰。《形势》
  • 【汉解】 懒惰的人总是落后,勤奋的人总是办事神速有效。如果说,办事神速的已经进入室内,那么,落后的还在门外。进入室内的可以从容不迫,在门外的必将疲惫不堪。所以,黎明时玩忽怠惰,日暮时就要遭殃。早上忘掉了应作的事情,晚上就什么成果也没有。一个人邪气侵袭到体内,正色就要衰退。
  • 【英译】Those who are weary of tasks will prove wanting. Those who do not scatter their attention, may be compared with the spirits. Those comparable to the spirits will be received within the palace, while those who have proved wanting will be left at the gate. Those who are within will attain their goal, those left at the gate will be kept waiting. If a person is lazy at dawn’s warning call, he will later meet with disaster at dusk/ If a person is forgetful about his affairs in the morning, he will fail to achieve anything by evening. If evil influences steal into the ruler’s heart, his dignified appearance will be marred.