
管子语录 汉英双解:

  • 【原文】 君不君,则臣不臣;父不父,则子不子。上失其位,则下逾其节;上下不和,令乃不行。衣冠不正,则宾者不肃;进退无仪,则政令不行。 《形势》
  • 【汉解】 君主不像君主的样子,臣子当然就不像臣子;父亲不像父亲的样子,儿子当然就不像儿子。君主不按照他的身份办事,臣子就会超越应守的规范。上下不和,政令就无法推行。君主的衣冠不端正,礼宾的官吏就不会严肃。君主的举动不合乎仪式,政策法令就不容易贯彻。
  • 【英译】If the prince is not a prince, his ministers will not be ministers. If the father does not act as a father, his sons will not act as sons. If the throne is remiss in maintaining its position, those below will overstep their bounds. If harmony is lacking between the throne and those below, orders will not be carried out. If clothing and caps are not worn correctly, guests will not be respectful. If advancing and retiring do not accord with good form, governmental orders will not be carried out.