
管子语录 汉英双解:

【原文】 且怀且威,则君道备矣。莫乐之,则莫哀之;莫生之,则莫死之。往者不至,来者不极。 《形势》

【汉解】 一方面关怀臣民,另方面再有威严,为君之道,才算完备。君主不能使臣民安乐,臣民也就不会为君主分忧;君主不能使臣民生长繁息,臣民也就不会为君主牺牲生命。君主给予臣民的,不确实兑现;臣民对待君主,也是不会全力以赴的。

【英译】Kindly yet awe-inspiring, the way of the prince will be complete. If the prince does not give pleasure to the people, they will not grieve for him. If he does not give them life, they will not die for him. If what goes out is not adequate, what return will not be the best.