
管子语录 汉英双解:

  • 【原文】 见与之交,几于不亲;见哀之役,几于不结;见施之德,几于不报;四方所归,心行者也。《形势》
  • 【汉解】表面上显示友好的朋友,也就接近于不亲密了;表面上显示亲爱的交谊,也就接近于不结好了;表面上显示慷慨的恩赐,也就接近于不得所报了。只有内心里认真行德,四面八方才会归附。
  • 【英译】Those who parade concern for their friends will hardly achieve close relationships with them. Those who parade sympathy in their social contacts will hardly create any strong bonds. Those who parade virtue will hardly be requited. People from  the four directions will turn toward those who act from a pure heart.