
管子语录 汉英双解:

  •    【原文】 地博而国贫者,野不辟也,民众而兵弱者,民无取也。故末产不禁,则野不辟。赏罚不信,则民无取。野不辟,民无取,外不可以应敌,内不可以固守. 《权修》
  • 【汉解】 地大而国家贫穷,是因为土地没有开辟;人多而兵力薄弱,是因为人民缺乏督促。所以,不禁止奢侈品的工商业,土地就不得开辟;赏罚不信实,人民就缺乏督促。土地没有开辟,人民缺乏督促,对外就不能抵御敌人,对内就不能固守国土。

【英译】If its area is extensive, yet the state remains poor, it is because the countryside has not brought under cultivation. If its population is large, yet its armed forces are weak, it is because there is nothing to motivate the people. Now, if nonessential production is not prohibited, the countryside will not be brought under cultivation. If rewards and punishments are not reliable, there will be nothing to motivate the people, the enemy cannot be challenged without nor the defenses secured within.