
                                  管子语录 汉英双解:

  • 【原文】 欲为天下者,必重用其国,欲为其国者,必重用其民,欲为其民者,必重尽其民力。无以畜之,则往而不可止也;无以牧之,则处而不可使也;远人至而不去,则有以畜之也。民众而可一,则有以牧之也。《权修》
  • 【汉解】 要想治好天下,必须珍惜本国国力;想要治好国家,必须珍惜国内人民;想要治好人民,必须珍惜民力之耗尽。没有办法养活人民,人们就要外逃而不能阻止;没有办法治理人民,即使留下来也不能使用。远地的人们来而不走,是因为有效地养活了他们;人口众多而可以统一号令,是因为有效地治理了他们。
  • 【英译】Whoever would control the entire realm must be careful how he uses his state. Whoever would control a state must be careful how he uses his people. Whoever would control his people must be careful how he uses their strength. If there is no way to feed them, they cannot be prevented from running away. If there is no way to shepherd them, they may remain at home, but cannot be employed. When people come from afar and do not leave, it is because there is a way to feed them. When they are numerous yet can be united, it is because there is the way to shepherd them.