29,取民有度 国虽小必安

                                  管子语录 汉英双解:

  • 【原文】地之生财有时,民之用力有倦…..。故取于民有度,用之有止,国虽小必安;取于民无度,用之不止,国虽大必危。 《权修》
  • 【汉解】 土地生产财富,受时令的限制;人民花费劳力,有疲倦的时候;…..因此,对人民征收有度,耗费又有节制的,国家虽小也一定安宁;对人民征收无度,耗费没有节制的,国家虽大也一定危亡。
    【英译】The land has seasonal limitations in the production of wealth; the people have a point of exhaustion when using their strength. …..Therefore, if there is proper measure in taking from the people and limits are placed on their employ-ment, even a small state is certain to be safe. But if proper measure is not exercised in taking from the people, and no limits are placed on their employment, even a large state is certain to be in danger.