
                                  管子语录 汉英双解:

  • 【原文】 凡牧民者。以其所积者食之。不可不审也。其积多者其食多,其积寡者其食寡,无积者不食。或有积而不食者,则民离上;有积多而食寡者,则民不力;有积寡而食多者,则民多轴;有无积而徒食者,则民偷幸; 《权修》
  • 【汉解】凡是治理人民,对于按劳绩给予禄赏的问题,不可不审慎从事。劳绩多的禄赏多,劳绩少的禄赏少,没有劳绩的就不给予禄赏。如果有劳绩而没有禄赏,人们就离心离德;劳绩多而禄赏少,人们就不努力工作;劳绩少而禄赏多,人们就弄虚作假;无劳绩而空得禄赏,人们就贪图侥幸。
  • 【英译】Those who would shepherd the people must pay careful attention to see that stipends accord with achievements. Those whose achievements are great should be given much. Those whose achievements are few should be given less. Those who have no achievement should be given nothing. Should it happen that those who have achievements receive nothing, the people will turn away from the sovereign. Should  those whose achievements are great receive less, the people will not exert themselves. Should those whose achievements are few receive more, the people will resort to deceitfulness. Should those who have no achievements receive stipends for nothing, the people will merely trust to luck.