
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】圣人之诺已也,先论其理义,计其可否。义则诺,不义则已;可则诺,不可则已。故其诺未尝不信也。小人不义亦诺,不可亦诺,言而必诺。故其诺未必信也。故曰:“必诺之言,不足信也。 【形势解》


【英译】When the sage makes promises, he first discusses their nature and rightness, and estimates their possibilities. If right, he makes the promise; if not, he refrains. If possible, he makes the promise; if not, he refrains. Therefore his promises are always trustworthy. But a petty person will still make a promise even though it is not right or possible. Whenever he speaks, he is certain to promise. Therefore his promises are not always to be trusted.