4,国有四维 四维绝则灭

                           管子语录 汉英双解:

  • 【原文】国有四维,一维绝则倾,二维绝则危,三维绝则覆,四维绝则灭。倾可正也,危可安也,覆可起也,灭不可复错也。《牧民》
  • 【汉解】国有四维,缺了一维,国家就倾斜;缺了两维,国家就危险;缺了三维,国家就颠覆;缺了四维,国家就会灭亡。倾斜可以扶正,危险可以挽救,倾覆可以再起,只有灭亡了,那就不可收拾了。
  • 【英译】The state has  four cardinal virtues. If one is eliminated, the state will totter. If two , it will be in danger. If three, it will be overthrown. If all four are eliminated, it will be totally destroyed. What totters may be set straight. What is endangered may be made safe. What has been overthrown may be reestablished. But, what has been totally destroyed can never be restored.