
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】 君之所慎者四:一曰大德不至仁,不可以授国柄。二曰见贤不能让,不可与尊位。三曰罚避亲贵,不可使主兵。四曰不好本事,不务地利,而轻赋敛,不可与都邑。此四务者,安危之本也。 《立政》

【汉解】 君主要谨慎对待的问题有四个:一是对于提倡道德而不真正做到仁的人,不可以授予国家大权;二是对于见到贤能而不让的人,不可以授予尊高爵位;三是对于掌握刑罚而躲避亲贵的人,不可以让他统帅军队;四是对于那种不重视农业,不注重地利,而轻易课取赋税的人,不可以让他做都邑的官。这四条巩固国家的原则是国家安危的根本。

【英译】The prince should exercise caution in regard to four things: The first is that those who have great charismatic power but are deficient in terms of basic goodness should not be given control of the state. The second is that those who on seeing worthiness are unable to yield to it should not be given positions of honor. The third is that those who avoid punishing their relatives and men of high rank should not be commissioned to lead the armed forces. The fourth is that those who neither appreciate essential production nor pay heed to the benefits of Earth, and at the same time treat lightly the imposition of levies and exactions upon the people should not be assigned to administer cities and towns. These four security measures are basic to the question of safety or danger.