
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】 合内空周外。强国为圈,弱国为属。动而无不从,静而无不同。举发以礼,时礼必得。和好不基。贵贱无司,事变日至。《幼官》


【英译】Unite the people at home and bring those abroad within your orbit. The strong countries will become like members of your family while weak ones will become dependencies. When you move, no one will fail to follow; when  you remain still, no one will fail to do the same. Initiate undertakings and issue orders in accordance with the rules of propriety. Then timeliness and propriety will certainly be achieved. Be harmonious and agreeable and refrain from perniciousness. Then the honored and lowly will not engage in litigations. If these are down, the fluctuations in seasonal affairs will occur on the proper day.