
管子语录 汉英双解


【汉解】 政令重于宝物,政权先于至亲,法度重于人民,威权重于爵禄。所以,不可为重宝而看轻政令,不可为至亲而把国家政权放在后面,不能为爱民而歪曲法律,不能为爵禄而分让权威。所以说:权势是不能给予他人的。

【英译】Orders are more precious than jewels. The altars to Land and Grain take precedence over family relations. The laws are more important than the people. Prestige and power are more to be valued than ranks and salaries. Thus, do not disregard orders because of precious jewels. Do not consider your altars to Land and Grain secondary because of family relations. Do not twist laws and statutes because of love for the people. Do not share your prestige and power because of ranks and salaries. Therefore it is said:”Your position of authority is not something to be granted to others.