
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】 令已布而罚不及,则是教民不听。民不听,则强者立;强者立,则主位危矣。故曰:宪律制度必法道,号令必著明,赏罚必信密,此正民之经也。《法法》


【英译】If the orders have already been issued but punishments are not meted out to those who disregard them, the people are taught to be disobedient. If the people are disobedient, the strong establish themselves in power. If the strong establish themselves, the position of the ruler will be endangered. Therefore, it is said:”Legal statutes, regulations, and procedures must be patterned on the moral way. The orders must be publicized and made clear, and the rewards and punishments must be made reliable and absolute.” These are the standards for bringing order to people.