1,衣食足 知荣辱

            管子语录 汉英双解:

    【原文】凡有地牧民者,务在四时,守在仓廪。国多财,则远者来,地辟举,则民留处; 仓廪实,则知礼节;衣食足,则知荣辱;上服度,则六亲固。四维张,则君令行。《牧民》

  • 【汉解】凡是一个国家的君主,必须致力于四时农事,确保粮食贮备。国家财力充足,远方的人们就能自动迁来,荒地开发得好,本国的人民就能安心留住。粮食富裕,人们就知道礼节;衣食丰足,人们就懂得荣辱。君主的服用合乎法度,六亲就可以相安无事;四维发扬,君令就可以贯彻推行。
  • 【英译】All those who posses territory and shepherd people must pay heed to the four seasons and watch over granaries. If the state has an abundance of wealth, people will come from afar. If the land has been opened for cultivation, They will settle down. When the granaries are full, they will know propriety and moderation. When their clothing and food is adequate, They will know the distinction between honor and shame. If those on high exercises proper measure in dress and expenditure, The six relationships will be secure. If the four cardinal virtues prevail, the prince’s orders will be carried out.