11,审其好恶 观其交游

管子语录 汉英双解:


【汉解】 人的本性没有什么两样,所以,人的思想性情是可以掌握的。了解他喜欢什么和厌恶什么,就可以知道他的长处和短处;观察他同什么样的人交往,就能判断他是好人还是坏人。把握住这两点,就能够找到能人并与以官位。

【英译】Human nature is all the same. That is why it is possible to control the people. By examining their likes, their strengths and weaknesses may be know. By observing their associates, their worthiness or unworthiness may be learned. If these two are not neglected, those of ability among the people may be placed in office.