
管子语录 汉英双解:

【原文】 道往者,其人莫来;道来者,其人莫往。道之所设,身之化也。持满者与天,安危者与人。失天之度,虽满必涸;上下不和,虽安必危。欲王天下,而失天之道,天下不可得而王也。得天之道,其事若自然;失天之道,虽立不安。 《形势》

【汉解】 失道者,人民不肯来投;得道者,人民不肯离去。道之所在,自身就应该与之同化。’凡是始终保持强盛的,就因为顺从天道;凡是能安危存亡的,就因为顺从人心。违背天的法则,虽然暂时丰满,最终必然枯竭;上下不和,虽然暂时安定,最终也必然危亡。

【英译】When the way has left the ruler, no one will come to him. When the way has come to the ruler, no one will leave him. The way brings about the transformation of the self. Maintaining fullness has to do with Heaven. Alleviating danger has to do with men. If the ruler disregards limits ordained by Heaven. Even though his country be full to overflowing, it will certainly dry up. If harmony is lacking between the throne and those below. Even though the ruler may feel secure, he will certainly encounter danger.