
管子语录 汉英双解:

  • 【原文】 天道之极,远者自亲。人事之起,近亲造怨。万物之于人也,无私近也,无私远也;巧者有余,而拙者不足;其功顺天者天助之,其功逆天者天违之;天之所助,虽小必大;天之所违,虽成必败;顺天者有其功,逆天者怀其兇,不可复振也。 《形势》
  • 【汉解】 顺天道去做,远者都会来亲近;事起于人为,近亲也要怨恨。万物之于人,是没有远近亲疏之分的。高明的人用起来就有余,愚笨的人用起来就不足。顺乎天道去做,天就帮助他;反乎天道去做,天就违背他。天之所助,弱小可以变得强大;天之所弃,成功可以变为失败。顺应天道的可以得其成效,违背天道的就要招致灾祸,且无可挽救。 。
  • 【英译】When the way of Heaven is fulfilled, even those who are far off will of themselves seek close relationships with the ruler. But when the selfish affairs of men arise, even close relatives will harbor resentments. The myriad creatures, in their relationship to men, are equally impartial toward those near at hand and those far away. The clever will have a superabundance of things while the stupid will never have enough. Heaven will assist those whose efforts accord with it and oppose those whose efforts are contrary to it. Whatever Heaven assist, even though small at first, is certain to become large. Whatever Heaven opposes, even though successful at first, is certain to fail. Those who accord with Heaven will retain their achievements. Those who act contrary to Heaven will embrace misfortune and cannot be saved.