
管子语录 汉英双解:

【原文】 厚爱利,足以亲之。明智礼,足以教之。上身服以先之。审度量以闲之。乡置师以说道之,然后申之以宪令,劝之以庆赏,振之以刑罚,故百姓皆说为善,则暴乱之行无由至矣。 《权修》

【汉解】 君主能够付出厚爱和厚利,就可以亲近人民,申明知识相礼节,就可以教育人民。要以身作则来引导人民,审定规章制度来防范人民,设置乡的官吏来指导人民。然后再用法令加以约束,用奖赏加以鼓励,用刑罚加以威慑。这样,百姓就都愿意做好事,暴乱的行为便不会发生了。
【英译】Being generous with love and benefits is suffi-cient to win the allegiance of the people. Manifesting wisdom and propriety is sufficient to instruct them. However, the sovereign must himself adhere to the law in order to serve as an example for them and see that there is proper measure in exactions and expenditures in order to guard against excesses. Place governors in the local districts to exhort and guide the people. Thereafter, keep them informed with laws and orders, encourage them with rewards, and overawe them with punishments. Then, since the hundred surnames will all be happy in doing good, violent and disorderly conduct will have no cause to arise.