
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】无翼而飞者声也,无根而固者情也,无方而富者生也,公亦固情谨声,以严尊生。此谓道之荣。 《戒》


【英译】What has no wings yet flies is one’s reputation. What has no roots yet remains firm is one’s true self. What has no standing yet is honored is one’s basic nature. Your Grace should be firm in regard to your true self. And cautious in respect to your reputation. In order to show respect for your basic nature. This is called a flourishing of the Way.

。 《戒》


【英译】What has no wings yet flies is one’s reputation. What has no roots yet remains firm is one’s true self. What has no standing yet is honored is one’s basic nature. Your Grace should be firm in regard to your true self. And cautious in respect to your reputation. In order to show respect for your basic nature. This is called a flourishing of the Way.