
管子语录 汉英双解


【汉解】 讲求恭逊、敬爱、谦让、除怨、无争,以互相对待,就不会失去人心。试行多怨、争利,互相不讲恭逊,则身亦难保。恭逊敬爱之道,是太伟大了。

【英译】One will never lose the support of others if one cultivates the virtues of reverence and humility, respect and love, and is politely yielding, devoid of resentment, and uncontentious when meeting them. However, if one is filled with resentment, ready to fight for any advantage, and lacking in humility, it will be difficult to protect oneself. Great indeed is the way of reverence and humility, respect and love!