
管子语录 汉英双解

【原文】 夫玉之所贵者,九德出焉。夫玉温润以泽,仁也;邻以理者,知也;坚而不蹙,义也;廉而不刿,行也;鲜而不垢,洁也;折而不挠,勇也;瑕适皆见,精也;茂华光泽,并通而不相陵,容也;叩之,其音清搏彻远,纯而不杀,辞也; 《水地》

【汉解】 玉所以贵重,是因为它表现有九种品德。温润而有光泽,是它的仁。清澈而有纹理,是它的“智”。坚硬而不屈缩,是它的义。清正而不伤人,是它的品节。鲜明而不垢污,是它的纯洁。可折而不可屈,是它的勇。缺点与优点都可以表现在外面,是它的诚实。华美与光泽相互渗透而不互相侵犯,是它的宽容。敲击起来,其声音清扬远闻,纯而不乱,是它的有条理。

【英译】The reason for jade being valued is that it manifests the nine virtues. Now its warmth, luster, and smoothness are its humaneness. Its closeness of texture and clear markings are its wisdom. Its hardness and inflexibility are its righteousness. Being sharp but not harmful is its good conduct. Its freshness and unsulliedness are its purity of mind. That it may be broken but not bent is its bravery. Having all its cracks and flaws readily apparent is its sincerity. Its rich elegance and glossy smoothness reflecting, but not detracting from, each other is its tolerance. When struck, its sound being clear and distinct, penetrating, yet simple and uncluttered is its refinement of expression.